
好消息!星巴克(Starbucks)又重新推出Toffee Nut Frappuccino和Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino。

Toffee Nut 和 Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino是星巴克之前推出的饮料。在顾客的呼吁下,星巴克决定重新推出这两种口味的饮料。

配合Toffee Nut 和Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino的重新面市,星巴克也推出了全新口味Christmas Panettone Frappuccino。

Christmas Panettone Frappuccino的理念来自传统意大利圣诞水果蛋糕。这是一个集合了Butter、Cream、Latte和干果的饮料。你心动了吗?现在就立即到星巴克购买一杯吧!

As you have all requested, let's welcome back our favorite beverages, Toffee Nut and Peppermint Mocha! Joining them this season is our Christmas Panettone Latte. Inspired by the traditional Italian Christmas Fruitcake, our Panettone Latte has a bread and butter flavour topped with whipped cream and dried fruits. All beverages are available hot, iced or frappuccino style. So, make your way down to our stores now!

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