Celcom 让用户免费浏览社交媒体,以补偿日前的网络瘫痪

Celcom在日前出现网络瘫痪问题,导致很多用户无法浏览 Facebook 和 WhatsApp。因此,Celcom 将会给予用户免费数据以作为补偿。

Celcom 表示,将在2017年4月25日宣布相关免费浏览Facebook 、Instagram 和 WhatsApp的消息。用户在浏览者3个网站或软件时,将不会扣除本身所购买的上网数据。用户可以免费浏览这些社交软件。

所有Celcom 用户都可享有此项回馈,其中包括了 First 用户和 Xpax 用户。

另外,Celcom 也表示Celcom 用户所面对的网络瘫痪或缓慢问题已经恢复,不过后续的升级预计将在4月28日结束。

Celcom 所发出的文告:

We are pleased to share that we have restored data connectivity that affected your experience on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.

Facebook and Celcom are working together on further upgrades to enhance your experience on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. We aim to complete these upgrades by 28 April 2017.

We understand this was a regretful experience and would like to make it up to you. We will provide 1 week of FREE Facebook and WhatsApp to all Celcom subscribers. No internet quota will be deducted for Facebook and WhatsApp in this one week. We will confirm the start date on Tuesday, 25 April. Your support means a lot to us and we thank you for your patience.

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