根据国家银行(Bank Negara)的Payment Card Reform Framework显示,每次使用刷卡服务时,商家都需缴付Merchant Discount Rate (MDR)。部分商家却把这个MDR费用转移至顾客。
马来亚银行(Maybank)的银行卡服务条例和条款中有清楚的写明,商家不可要求持卡人缴付任何刷卡费用,无论是附加费、佣金还是折扣。(Unless otherwise provided by any written law for the time being in force, it shall not impose or require Cardholder to pay any surcharge, commission, discount whether through any increase in price or otherwise, or any other term or condition whatsoever on any Cardholder desirous of using the Card.)
Maybank 刷卡服务条例和条款:http://www.maybank2u.com.my/iwov-resources/maybank/document/my/en/business/products/cards/Merchant-Card-Service-TNC.pdf